I do replay levels when chasing collectables and extras, I'm not so weird that I won't, but collecting something or hitting an objective for the first time is a feeling that can't be replaced. So, for example, a Mario stage with collectibles that are greyed out / transparent because I already have them disappoints me on a small, minor level, nibbling away at me as I nevertheless dash for the flagpole. I have a bit of a peculiar psychology when it comes to game completion (or maybe it isn't just me, let me know in the comments) in that I'm not a fan of replaying levels and saves that have already been cleared. I'm aware that sounds strange as I could do that with my old save data anyway, so let me explain a little.

The flipside, too, is that I'm quite enthused by the idea of slowly chipping away at my catalogue and replaying some of my favourite Wii U games. In any case, I've tried to laugh it off, mainly as life's too short to cry over lost save data.

As said before, I hope Nintendo joins the 21st Century and supports instinctive save backups both manual (like on 3DS) and via the cloud (like PS4, Steam and lots of other things) on its next system. I'm saving up for NX (of course!) and the inevitable extra storage that'll probably require, and also for boring grown up things like a house. Well, the brief update is that I haven't been able to resolve the problem yet, and have little intention of trying too hard due to the fact (mentioned in the original article) that I don't feel inclined to spend money (right now, anyway) on another hard drive for the system. Some did also try to help with practical suggestions for those that want to try and backup their save data now, albeit they're fiddly and awkward solutions that I can't really try out with the dead drive. I had plenty of sympathy for my plight - thank you for that dear readers - and a handful of commenters lambasting me for not utilising obscure and unofficial methods to pre-emptively create backups for my data before my hard drive decided to stop working.

The short version of the story was that my hard drive had died, and that was the end of my save data unless I can find a way to retrieve it, which isn't helped by the peculiar setup of the console itself. I bemoaned the weird setup of Nintendo's data management on the home console and in particular its treatment of save data, which rather bizarrely is less advanced than on 3DS. Editorial: Rediscovering the Gems of the Wii U Library Nintendo Life A legacy to appreciate by Share: A little while ago I wrote an editorial called, in which I recounted the tale of just that very thing happening to me.